Monday, May 28, 2012

That One Day Where I Failed As A Girl...

Today, Keegan and I drove to BiggerTown, Alabama (as opposed to our SmallTown Mississippi,) to do some shopping. After getting lunch, we went to Target, mainly because I had to pick up some makeup for my makeup trial at the end of June.

I was nervous about this trip. I never go down the makeup aisles. The makeup aisles scare me. I don't wear makeup in my daily life, and I think the last time I wore any makeup of any sort was my senior prom....5 years ago (where I wore teal eye liner...don't ask.) I was never taught how to wear makeup and honestly, I've just never felt that I've needed to wear it. Don't get me wrong, I have less than perfect skin, and I turn as red as a tomato extremely easily, but I've just accepted my skin and have never felt the need to cover it up with makeup.

Now, Keegan's cousin, and one of my bridesmaids, has graciously said that she will do my makeup and hair for the wedding free of charge. I just had to pick out eye liner, mascara, and foundation to match my skin tone. The first thought when she said this was...."how?" I mean, it's not like you can open up every container in the store and try some on to see how it matches your face. I figured between Keegan and I, we could find something that worked.

Anyways, back to Target. Last night, when looking at coupons for Target, I noticed that there was a coupon for Rimmel's "ScandalEyes" mascara and a coupon for any L'Oreal product. "Well, that makes it easier," I thought to myself. "I'll just buy that mascara and try to find some L'Oreal foundation that matches my skin tone." Yep, that's right. I picked my beauty products only because I had coupons for them. I'm obviously versed in the art of makeup buying.

Fast forward to today, where Keegan and I slowly venture down the makeup aisles. I find the L'Oreal products and decide that I don't want liquid foundation; it just looks too....goopy. L'Oreal has their "True Match Naturale" gentle mineral makeup which looked like it would be lighter and less heavy on my face. I look at the chart that describes how to pick out your "perfect shade" and start to freak out a little bit. I turn to Keegan, and ask, "Am I a warm, neutral, or cool shade?" He decides that my face is more warm, due to the fact that my cheeks are always red. It's that darn Irish blood in me. I look at the warm options and find the palest bottle. I hold it up to my arm and it seems like a close enough match. Next, onto the mascara.

We find the Rimmel section and search for the "ScandalEyes." The bright orange tube jumps out at me and the first thought I had was, "It's huge!" I'm used to seeing my mom's pink and green tube of mascara which is itty-bitty compared to this highlighter-orange monster. After looking at the other options, the ScandalEyes is the cheapest, especially with my coupon, so I throw it into the cart.

I then remembered that I was told to get "brown-black" eye liner. I know that back in high school, I bought $.99 black eye liner at Target (during my angsty teenager days,) so I start searching. After 5 rows of makeup, I still can't find it. Finally, on the end of the last aisle, I find pencils for $1.97. Good enough. Only problem? There's no brown-black. However, there is a dark brown pencil, so I figured it would be good enough.

We go to the check out counter and the cashier starts ringing up our items. The eye liner rings up as $4.97. I turn to Keegan and say, "Wasn't that pencil only $1.97?" He agrees and the cashier looks up at us, her eyes questioning if we're going to make a fuss and ask her to look up the price. I look at the line of people waiting to check out and tell her that it's ok, we'll just pay the extra $3. We walk out of Target and get in the car. I look at the receipt and calculate that we've just spent over $20 in makeup; more than I have ever spent in my life.

Now I have foundation, mascara and eye liner on my bathroom counter, staring at me. Half of me wants to try it out, the other half knows that I'll make myself look like a clown. I guess I'll just wait until June and see if Keegan's cousin can turn my tomato face into something less clown-like.

So, how do you like my makeup selection technique? Have I doomed my wedding by buying makeup that I have no idea about? Am I going to look like a clown in my pictures? Anyone have some tips to share so I can be less makeup-challenged? Please tell me that I'm not the only one who didn't get the girly makeup gene. 

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